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spins and turns
Posted by JerseyJ
10/30/2004  8:06:00 PM
I love the hustle dance but can never progress to that real polished look since I cannot master multiple and traveling spins. Any recomendations and suggestions would really be appreciated. thanks all
Re: spins and turns
Posted by quickstep
10/31/2004  11:21:00 PM
Dont know anything about the Hustle. To' spin correctly requres technic, and is best learnt from a professional. Alignment is very important here, To spin Solo , as in a Rumba, it actually travels sideways On the spin its self be on the spot. In other words move in , spin move out. Be vertical and not traveling on the spin itself. On this site I think you can still get several pages of instruction which for you would be a good start. I was taught that to understand the mechanics of a Three Step Spin, do it this way. Slowly at first. Face a wall.Step to the side with your left foot. Bring the whole of your right side and foot to your left 1/2 a turn as a solid unit . Complete another half turn and step to the side. In practice you can stop on the first 1/2 turn , and stay on the spot. before completing the spin. Dont let your body overtake your head, look for . " Head Spotting ", very important. Even if this is not for the Hustle it doesn't do any harm to learn. Your will use it one day.
Re: spins and turns
Posted by twnkltoz
11/5/2004  11:35:00 AM
Some tips for spinning:

1. Stay relaxed. If you tense up it's hard to spin.

2. Stay as verticle as possible. The smaller you make yourself, the easier it is to stay around your center of gravity...don't look down, bend over, etc.

3. Squeeze your thighs together and keep your feet close together.

4. When spinning right, think about "closing" your left side to your right. Visualize folding yourself in half lengthwise, if that makes any sense! Like your left side is always chasing your right (like a dog chasing its tail but never catching it). Vice versa when turning left.

5. Spot on your partner's face to reduce dizzyness.

6. Practice a lot!!

I hope that helps. :)

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